How to See and Create Flash File (SWF) in Ubantu 12.04 and 11.10 Version.

Sitting to blogging after a long day. So how are you?I hope you are well. Now look how  to see and create flash file (SWF) in Ubantu 12.04 and 11.10 Version.It will use a software. Name of SWF Tools. I have seen all the good programs to run Flash files. Within this tool, you can find the following things :

PDF2SWF-Converter is a Flash file and convert them to PDF files. It does not convert only text and  pdf files but also convert the images, tables, etc.

SWF Combine- is a multifunction tool that through which you can create Flash File Wrapper SWFs, Concatenating SWF, stacking SWFs.

SWF Strings-SWF to scan the text data.

Flash SWF Dump- You can save image files, text, sound, etc.

To install it, open terminal, enter.

sudo add-apt-repositroy ppa:guilhem-fr/swftools
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install swftools

Now you complete the installation.

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